London path for us

unofficial maze runner fanbook

From the glade

Newtmas Fanbook is a fan-made project for The Maze Runner fandom, with Thomas and Newt (Newtmas) as the main pairing.

We are planning to create a Newtmas fanbook to quench all Newtmas shippers’s thirst with fanfiction and some illustrations.

For additional information, the fanfiction will bring Newt and Thomas into an adventurous friends-to-lovers journey, which take place in modern alternate universe setting with exciting travelling theme and some we-have-experienced-it-before-too college memories!

To Safe haven

To get more updates of our works, you can follow us on @Newtmas_Fanbook

Stay tune! Don't miss our adventurous journey that will be filled with a lot of interesting & fun contents.

interest check form

We really appreciate it if you are willing to take some minutes to fill our interest form here

Thank you in advance~